Buyers beware! Too often it’s only after the purchase of the home that buyers discover costly problems. Don’t let this happen to you! Call and order your home inspection before closing.
Sellers need a home inspection to alert them to existing and potential problems and address them before they discourage a possible buyer and a home inspection can only increase a home’s appeal and market value.
Serving the state of Alabama, our main objective at ACE Home Inspections is to provide our clients with a detailed and unbiased professional report, with appointments that work with your schedule.
Serving the state of Alabama, our main objective at ACE Home Inspections is to provide our clients with a detailed and unbiased professional report, which clearly portrays the visual condition of the physical structure and systems of the home at the time of inspection. The inspection report helps determine whether there are any major defects, potential problems or hazardous conditions you need to be aware of.
All reports are computerized and contain high-resolution digital photos of the defects which give a much clearer view of the problems. At ACE Home inspections, LLC we believe it is only fair to also report on good aspects about the home and not just the defects.
Flexible Appointments Around Your Schedule!
Jeff Aiken
Alabama Home Inspector License HI-0808
"Inspected Once, Inspected Right"